Increasing of Strength and Reduction of Material Capacity of Drilling Equipment Tubes

The developed technology basics of vibration and centrifugal strengthening of long-length details that ensures high level of deformation energy, capable of riveting the surface layers of steel details at a depth of 0.2-0.25mm.

Strengthening of casing tubes, high pressure tubes, internal and external surfaces by vibration and centrifugal processing and allows not only to increase the strength of these details, but also to reduce theirmaterial capacity to 15-20%.

Main benefits
  • increasing the strength of the drilling equipment tubing;
  • reducing of material capacity of casing tubes and high pressure tubes;
  • saving of metal by reducing thickness of the tubes.
Problem solving

improving reliability of drilling equipment; increasing longevity of drilling and reliability of casing tubes

We offer
development of technical documentation for the technology and strengthening of the equipment; production of strengthening equipment of experimental samples
А.с. № 910369
А.с. № 1577208
ПУ № 51720
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