Glass Beams and Slabs

They are designed for the use in public and civil buildings, which have special requirements for attractiveness of architectural form, acoustic insulation, presentable look etc.

Was developed two types of constructions:

  • multilayer triplex glass beams are made of layers of glass glued to each other, placed horizontally or vertically. They can be used as bearing structures in the ceilings and coverings of the buildings and constructions;
  • multilayer triplex glass slabs are made of layers of glass glued to each other, placed horizontally, can be additionally reinforced with different types of non-metal and metal reinforcement that are used as transparent ceilings and coverings.
Main benefits
  • transparency of the construction;
  • high durability.
Problem solving

creation of the interesting architectural forms and implementation of the unique design decisions.

We offer
design of the iconic objects, cinema and concert halls, exhibition centers, restaurants and other public buildings
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