The Elsevier resource center is created to support the scientific research of Ukrainian scientists

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The Elsevier company, which is one of the largest publishers of scientific literature in the world, continues to support the Ukrainian scientific community.

In order to effectively support the scientific activities of scientists in wartime conditions, Elsevier specialists have created an electronic resource center where Ukrainian researchers can register and gain access to the company’s important research tools – abstract and bibliographic database Scopus, full-text database ScienceDirect, Researcher Discovery module for establishing relations and collaboration, the Researcher Academy learning platform, and Mendeley software for managing bibliographic information.

Elsevier also canceled the fee for publishing articles (APCs) by Ukrainian authors in open access journals (Gold Open Access Journals). If you have any questions about this, please email

It should be noted that at the beginning of August, Ukrainian scientists who previously had access to the Scopus database through the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine received e-mails from Elsevier with detailed information about the possibilities of using the company’s resources as well as a personal registration ID and password for obtaining access. If such mail has not been delivered to you, you must fill out the form to receive registration data, after which the relevant information will be sent to the specified e-mail. The company’s specialists have prepared step-by-step instruction for setting up access.

Access to the Scopus database continues to be provided within the affiliation of institutions through the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine. In addition, the company provides access to a number of Elsevier medical resources for scientists and doctors – ClinicalKey, Complete Anatomy, and Osmosis.