Lviv Polytechnic signs a memorandum on the establishment of scientific lyceums

Фото з підписання меморандуму

Lviv Polytechnic National University, SID City Science Park, the Department of Education and Science of Lviv Regional State Administration and three educational institutions signed a memorandum on January 19, which provides for the establishment and operation of scientific lyceums in Lviv region.

Scientific lyceums will be created on the basis of Vynnykivska sanatorium school, Lviv sanatorium school No. 1 named after B.-I. Antonych and PIPL Lyceum.

Each lyceum will work in a separate area – information technology, robotics, biotechnology and basic sciences.

The advantage will be that in the framework of cooperation the academic staff of Lviv Polytechnic will be involved in teaching students of future lyceums. Some practical classes will take place in the laboratories of SID City Science Park and the University Tech StartUp School. Therefore, lyceum students will be able to develop their scientific, business and social projects together with residents, scientists and startup makers.

Recruitment at the lyceum starts in February. Talented students from 7th grade from all over Ukraine are recommended for study. It is envisaged that there will be a maximum of 15 students in the classrooms.

It is important that all schools have dormitories, so it is possible to provide full or half boarding school.

The next step after the signing of the memorandum will be the development of educational programs for lyceums, joint seminars and trainings for teachers, etc.

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